Monday, 5 March 2007

You are feeling sleepy...

I slept for six hours today, and ten hours last night. I was put on sleeping pills, you see, and they don't seem to like me. Or, they seem to like me far too much. Oh, the joys of medication.

Today I wanted to do a detox diet called the Master Cleanse. It involves drinking only a special type of lemonade for at least a week. Sounds mad, but I've done it before and it works. I think everyone should try it.
Lemonade recipe: 2tbsp dark organic maple syrup, juice of 1/2 lemon or lime, pinch of cayenne pepper/chilli powder, hot or cold water. Just mix it all up in a mug and drink. I think it tastes gorgeous, I really could live on the stuff. Which is just as well, because for 10 days you have to, to detox the body. You can also drink peppermint tea or laxative tea to purify the body. No food, no pills, no other drinks exept water. After the detox, gently ease back into eating fruit and vegetables, starting with broth and fruit juice. It clears up spots, and you lose the weight of excess water and waste built up in your body, as well as some fat.

Of course, I was not allowed to detox this time. Mum was dead against it. It really sucks being ex anorexic, as every time you try to change your eating habits everyone assumes you are about to starve youself to death.

My mum will not let me detox. She has food issues about what food I eat. I attempt something o better my health, and she immediately thinks that I'm about to starve myself to death. Brilliant. So instead, I've given up processed food. It's going to be hellish, because if you think about it, pretty much all food has been processed in some way.

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