Monday, 6 October 2008

Oh God Oh God Dread

Well... I think this is the last night of my epic 7 week drinking binge. For the whole time I think I've not even had 24 straight alcohol-free hours. Now my liver hurts, which is never a good thing. I think the codeine washed down with tequila was the final straw.

I never believed anyone who said that drinking was bad. Now my liver hurts, sometimes my stomach and kidneys too. I actually want to take a break from this. Dry out for a week or two, clean myself up a bit. This is a radical step for me. The original plan was to be drunk for a week. Then two weeks, and then the plan changed to 'I'll stop drinking when I run out of money, and/or my liver fails and I go yellow and/or I vomit blood and die. But I guess I'm just not hardcore enough.

Is it a bad sign when a week of no alcohol sounds like hell? I'm dreading it. Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up feeling like shit and there will be nothing I can do about it. I've not even banned weed, but nobody has any tonight, so it's basically only cigs and martyrdom from here on in. Survival is questionable.

I think I've fucked up again.

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