Monday, 1 December 2008


I realised that this blog is shockingly low on sex. This may be a reflection of my solitary, nun-like existence, but even when I am getting all sorts of crazy action, it just never appears on here. Blogging about your own sex life is too undeniably sordid. However, if you are attractive and upper class, it can lead to a lucrative book deal, a la Catherine M. and Girl With a One Track Mind. But seeing as I am neither of those things, I may exercise some self-censorship.
Yes, society's attitudes to sex are stupid, hypocritical, etc. etc. I really can not be bothered to go in to those arguments, go read some feminist literature or something if you really want to hear it.
What I am actually thinking about is how sex is essential for life; continuation of all human life, and fulfillment on a personal level, all come down to having a good fuck.
Unfortunately, being humans, we've managed to turn this fact of life into a hugely complex song and dance routine. See, this rather odd post was inspired by my thinking about how to get laid. Yes, I may not blog about sex, but I do think about it way too much sometimes. Seeing as I have decided to stay well away from relationships, then my options are:
  1. The slut way. Dress up, go out, dance dirty, and wake up in an unfamiliar bed.
  2. The find a sex buddy way. Although friends with benefits is never as simple as it seems.
  3. The solo way. Because I am better than you.
  4. The highly improbable become a high-class call girl and get paid for it like Belle De Jour way.
I'm sure I've missed out some other options, mostly because they're rubbish. Now, I want to delete this post to keep my blog sex free. But hey, sex sells, right? Maybe I'll get that book deal after all...

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