Sunday, 8 February 2009

Another Night, Another Dawn

Sky daubed luminous with sunrise, night fading gently into a cold new day. Walking home, there is still snow, white on distant fields. It glows as the sky widens pale and empty.

To stay up all night, talking, listening to music, getting to know new people. Sustained by chemicals, the evening starts in a pub, ends up in private rooms. I haven't been out as myself in a so long, I forgot I could socialise. Met a lot of new people, which was brilliant. Found a new poison to add to my repetoire too. *sniffs covertly* Everything slightly surreal, night deepening around us as the weak drop out and go home. We, the select nocturnal, stay, playing classic rock at 5am with the windows open, watching the sky lighten.

We are such a lovely mess.

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