Wednesday, 12 May 2010

I came back!

Wordpress was scary and cold and lonely. I have decided to return.

A bunch of stuff has happened. We moved in to our new flat, and then after about a month, Owner's bestest man friend moved into the spare room. Now, I know that sounds pretty sucky, because I was all overjoyed about finally having our own place, but he pays us rent, and is out at work most days anyway. I should explain this guy a bit. Me and Owner and him had a threesome once, but for some weird reason we are mortal enemies with a desperate urge to wind each other up. It doesn't help that he is rascist, misogynist, homophobic, and obsessed with COD. Yeah, I know, that sounds like a stereotype, but that's Alex. He's alright really, it's quite nice having him around. We gave him his first drugs and everything. None of us had ever done K before, but we decided to buy a gram and see what happened. It was awesome. Everything became absolutely surreal. Music had power, and time and space seemed to shift at will. I love drugs. However, and especially if you're reading this as an officer of the law, I don't have any. I'm not even kidding. I wish I did, but I'm not rich enought to be able to keep a stash. If I had the money, I'd have a proper Fear and Loathing style box of tricks. For now, I will bide my time...

Anything else happening? Well, I need to write either 2,500 words of fiction, or 80-100 lines of poetry, or 1,200 words of fiction AND 40-50 lines of poetry in the next 14 days.

Also I think I'm going mental. Or just should not be allowed quite so much sugar and caffeine. Yeah, that's the only reason I finally got motivated to blog. I was considering starting an actual paper diary, but then I realised that we invented computers for a reason and I get hand cramp if I have to write in the real world. So, in my overstimulated daze of infinite possibility, I decided to once again spew random verbiage into the interwebs.

I will be posting a bunch more crap so watch out.

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