Tuesday, 3 April 2007

I'm Sorry

My God I'm tearing apart I didn't mean it. This always happens when I get drunk, I feel great but then inadvertently cause a major problem for somebody else. I've upset Jesus, a good friend of mine who I hugely respect. I never meant to. I just mentioned that ages (about a year) ago, I got off with her (now ex) boyfriend and Fabi in a 3 way playing spin the bottle. I really don't count spin the bottle as very meaningful. In fact, it means nothing.
If you're reading this, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt you.
I'm a slut, a whore, a bitch, a pisshead, a useless piece of crap. I hurt everyone else when I should be hurting myself.

I'm so selfish that I've fallen down into a horrific pit of self loathing and guilt. Today was shitty anyway, so who cares?


Anonymous said...

I care.

Anonymous said...

*hugs lots*

