Wednesday, 8 October 2008


Yes I am.
Why else would I do this?
For some reason it doesn't register, I can't accept that anybody could ever like me. I don't even think that anyone can stand to be around me, or talk to me, let alone love me.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I have such freakish insecurity? And why can my brain not accept that not everyone is out to get me?
Why, indeed, would everyone I meet be so interested in me as to set up a ridiculous vendetta to emotionally destroy me? When I spell it out like that, I look like even more of an idiot. Not to mention self-centred and crazy. No wonder everyone's out to get me...


Anonymous said...

Chin up love. What you need to do is think through things you do, and others do logically.
If someone asks you to do something, and it upsets you, think why are they asking it me, and why does it upset me?

Maybe a parent asking you to do some work, and stop messing about? It might through you into a rage.

They're asking you to do things because they want the best for you in your future, and you're angry because you know they're right and that you havn't been doing it.

Logic is the way forard. Religoun is illogical. Rewire your mind to logical, analytical thinking.

Anonymous said...

sad face?

Neigh. said...

Logic, religion? All abstract concepts. Coupled with 'your parents are right', I think that really makes for sad smiley face all round.Especially as this has been said by 'anonymous'. (Never trust the anonymous comment.) What have my parents got to do with anything anyway?