Wednesday, 19 November 2008


I really don't know if I'm lonely or not. I spend most of my days alone, seeing only my immediate family who I live with. Most people go out to work or education, and interact with many different people each day. I have the internet, speaking to a few people on Facebook and MSN. Forums are an even more tenuous link to society. I do go out sometimes. I spent the weekend away, with people. I am not a total recluse. People come to my house sometimes as well. Tomorrow, Grace is comimg round, and we're going to cook a meal and drink wine.

I don't know if I need more people in my life. I think, sometimes, that I am limiting myself by being so solitary. But on the other hand, I like being self contained. I don't need other people to constantly reassure me of my worth. I am self sufficient. The on;y danger is that this will lead to me becoming selfish. I am already eccentric. I keep strange hours, and dance around the house like a loon. I guess that I can, because nobody is watching. I need my own house, then I can live my own way, and not have to creep around because everybody else is asleep during my favourite time of the day (or night).

I am not sure why I am writing this. Trying to shake a slight sense of ennui which has fallen over me this evening. Or trying to make sense of the world, again. I am trying to make a life for myself. I just have no idea how best to do that. So many options. I think I will take off and travel the world for a year or so when I have finished my course. Somehow I will be able to finance this endeavour. I need to see, to experience life. There is so much world out there.

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