Wednesday, 19 November 2008


Yes, politics. Of the extreme variety. The BNP membership list has been leaked! It has since been removed from the web, but I have a copy saved because it may come in handy some day.

I despise the BNP. They are fascists, hiding behind the facade of a legitimate political party. Not all of their members are fascists, but they are so ignorant that they have joined a party whose leader reads 'Mein Kampf' and says believes that mixed-race relationships are wrong “because most people want their grandchildren to look basically like them”. The BNP deceive people into believing that anti-immigration is the way to 'save Britain', but their white supremacist agenda is so thinly veiled that they may as well stick on their Klan robes and get it over with. I guess that, being a mixed race daughter with one immigrant parent, they get to me. I feel like they are a personal attack against me, my rights and my beliefs.

So, what do I do now? Sit and complain? Join a militant Antifa group? Or write some persuasive letters to some people?
The ignorance of the BNP can not be allowed to continue. But on the other hand, they should not be given too much publicity. They should be seen for the ignorant creeps they really are.

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