Monday, 26 January 2009

I Took A Gamble

And I won.

I went on another random adventure. It was Burns' night, and I was all set for staying in, when a ridiculously attractive and incredibly cool guy added me on MSN. Had fun talking, eventually decided that I'd go to his house for drinks. We both lack possession of a sense of danger, and operate in a world where it is always a great idea to sleep at strangers' houses and invite random people home. Fire is fun to play with, and we're indestructible.

Turns out that he has a girlfriend and is trying very, very hard to be good. It also turns out that I am an excellent agent of moral decay.
However, as moral failures and bad people, we cannot be held responsible for our actions.

We played baccarat and I think I'm moving up in the world. I may be a harlot but fate was my guide. Moth, meet flame. It's all good fun, made even better by the terrible evilness of it all. Yes, I'm going to hell, and it's going to be a great party. Life is strange and oh so random these days. I keep trying to understand but it's futile. Just go with it, and don't think too much.

Woke up early and out into distant memories of mornings. Had breakfast in a cafe and read newspapers. Odd, the things I find novel. The gaps in my life experience, which are slowly filling up. Still feel like I'm playing catch-up sometimes.

But I digress. I still won.

In fact, I can scarcely comprehend the levels of winning which I have reached.

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