Wednesday, 30 December 2009


According to the medical model accepted by mainstream Western society, health is the absence of a diagnosable disease; however, good health is not the same as optimal health. Optimal health refers to being in peak physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual form, which is fostered through the regular practice of life-enhancing habits, including regular exercise, eating nutritious foods, avoiding tobacco and excess alcohol, managing stress, enhancing social networks, pursuing of a spiritual path, and achieving a sense of fulfillment in intellectual and occupational vocations.

(This text shamelessly stolen from Mary Hartley RD, on

I just felt that this was relevant, because it is nearly the New Year, and I hope to become truly healthy in 2010. Yes, it is resolution time. I read back over last year's resolutions and wow, I used to be a good writer. 2009 really was sink or swim, and what do you know, I managed to swim my ass right outta town. 2010 is a whole new decade, a whole new phase of my life. I'm a real adult now.

I need to avoid putting so many high expectations on myself that I end up crashing and burning and giving up. Health, creativity and spirituality (yeah, I'm a hippy, go fuck yourself) are my selfish goals.

Being a good little kitten for Owner is the other main plan. For mine and his benefit. I love him, and I want to make him happy, and if that means being slightly less of an insufferably selfish brat-creature, then so be it. A little less selfishness will probably help with every part of life.

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