Thursday, 4 March 2010


Well, here we are. Yesterday was my first anniversary with Owner. A year ago I agreed to be his, despite my never having met him in person. So our Real Actual Anniversary is not until 22nd April. Which is good because we didn't do anything much to mark yesterday. I don't quite understand anniversaries, what with never having had a relationship reach six months, and I still don't understand people who make such an enormous deal out of them. 'Ooh, we've been together for three months today, break out the caviar and champagne!' 'It's seven weeks since we moved in together, so I bought you a diamond!' It's fourteen months since I first kissed you, have a million dollars!'

Anyway, things are going very well. I have got over myself to a certain extent, which might make this blog a little more boring but it has helped the relationship a whole lot. We are still deeply in love, and I am eternally grateful to M for putting up with me through the winter, which was not good. I think I do have Seasonal Affective Disorder, which coupled with woman hormones turned me into the Crazy Psycho Bitch From Hell. Generally it was a bit bad, but now I am feeling better.

We move house in 14 days. Our own place. I am insanely excited. Everything got confirmed yesterday, we've paid our deposit and booked the moving van. Our own flat. I can walk around naked all freaking day! I hope the central heating is good...

I have been extensively thinking about all kinds of things. The usual young adult stew of philosophy, self identity, meaning, place, etc. I have been critically examining -isms and -ologies, and most of them have come up lacking. Communism is sweet but deluded, Radical Feminists I want to punch in the tits, Capitalism is the grim swamp we are swimming in right now, Anarchy is pretty foolish... It seems that the only -ism I like is masochism, and even that comes with a few qualifiers. Maybe I should set myself up as a Cynic. But then I haven't read up on Cynicism yet. Screw all of these ideologies and philosophies. I think I will aim to be a free-roaming intellectual maverick. Fuck yeah.

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