Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Time flies...

...when stuff happens. Or something. I blinked and it was Spring. In eight days we move out, to spend a summer by the sea. This is our last week in this room, this house. I can't wait. We've had some awesome times here, some crazy times, and some pretty sucky ones too (PigBeast™ and thieving little git spring to mind) but it is definitely time to move on. For one thing, the house is a total mess and I can not be bothered to keep on tidying. A small, non-shared place will be fine, but I do rankle at having to clean up after other people. Not that I do any cleaning anymore, but never mind. Also, we will all be living near each other and nearer our friends, not to mention the Common and the seafront. I can go running. Yeah. Me. Running. Or jogging. Or, more likely, limping like a retarded cripple.
Today I am having to talk to people on the phone. We have just got the internet sorted for our new place. That was the first utility we bought, because we have our priorities straight. We can do without water, gas or electric, as long as we have our broadband.

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