Saturday 7 March 2009


I was woken by a slap in the face (I love you Grace), and then Maddy made me coffee. I was needed to witness Grace's awesome new tattoo.

The day was sunny and beautiful, we were remembering what it was like to be warm. A picnic bought from Tesco, including a bottle of wine, and some (non-Tesco brand) weed was all we needed. Sitting on a fallen tree, being kids, smoking and eating Jammy Dodgers.

Home early. I finally watched Dark Knight. I must be the last person in the world to have seen this movie. But it was worth the wait, it is rather good. Ironically I was wearing a Dark Knight t-shirt while I watched it. I only realised this about 3 hours later, and then realised that I was kind of a dick for wearing a shirt promoting a film I hadn't even seen.

Later, talking online, and then a phonecall. He lives 200 miles away, but is the most compatible person I have ever met. We are both twisted, but in ways which complement each other perfectly. He owns me. He makes me feel so happy.

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