Thursday 22 January 2009

I Hate Mornings

It is now 4pm, but as I have been awake for less than half an hour, this is my morning. We have no food suitable for first-thing eating, so my breakfast was a handful of Japanese rice crackers, a cow biscuit, and my patented DeathCoffee®. This is possibly contributing to the MASSIVE PARANOIA. I woke up to find unfamiliar number missed-calls on my phone, a mysterious package delivered to me, and the world in a generally unfriendly state. Or perhaps my mind is in an unfriendly state. The missed calls will be from my friend who always calls me from random peoples' phones as she has no credit, the package is something I ordered, and the unfriendliness consists mainly of my brother calling me a twat (and then getting hit by his girlfriend).

But still, I am entirely on edge. I should maybe finish my breakfast with whisky. Or codeine. Or some kind of tranquilisers. Ah well, at least I'm going out soon. That might help. Or make things massively worse, but never mind.

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