Thursday 8 January 2009


Are good.

xkcd is the beautiful geek in webcomic form. It gets a million bonus points for its many Firefly and Summer Glau references.

Cyanide and Happiness, you probably all know already. The name sums it up, really.

Questionable Content
is a cute indie comic, with great characters and ongoing storylines.

Diesel Sweeties an '8-bit robot romance' is a new discovery in the realms of weirdness.

Scary Go Round is strange. There is lots of it too. It is possibly more random than I.

Strange Fiction has some of the best characters around, although it can be a little patchy. I love it anyway, its one of the first webcomics I read.

FreakAngels is just fucking beautiful. Great art, story, characters, and humour. A webcomic which I would willingly pay money to own in book form.

Right, the reason I have written this post is not simply for your amusement, (although I hope you love at least one of the links) but so I can remember which webcomics I like. Yes, I have a sucky memory. Feel free to add more links via the comment function, if it hasn't shrivelled up and died through lack of use.

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